Sunday, March 8, 2009

I love apartment visitors!

This past weekend my Mum came over to help me put up the remaining pictures in my apartment! As i would never have gotten it done without her pressuring me, as i just wanted to sit back and have a nice relaxing saturday watching ab fab :)
Alas, this would not do for mother hen!

Han also came over which was fun, and she brought her little devil dog, milton! I have come to realize, a house is not a home until you have a dog. The hunt for my pug will soon begin :)
Anyway, Milton was hilarious - he was running around, sniffing, and too scared to go out on the patio, no matter what his curiosity told him differently!

So after Han left, me and mum got to work! (after lunch and just one episode of ab fab :P) and she actually made it look really good! I'm so pleased to finally have all my pictures up yay! Now i just want to print 50 more!

Until next time,

I leave you with this short video of milton.. the "adventure" dog... (more like devil dog)


  1. Oh my gosh Jess Your place looks great! I can't wait to come over and see it. My fave is when Milton hits the cam with his nose. I'm telling you get Tortilla! Then Charlie and him can be best dog friends forever.

  2. I had fun hanging the pictures and thanks for feeding me lunch! I love the new blog - the background is great.

  3. haha! can't wait to visit the new place :) it looks great!!
